All abstracts by Gary Stinchcomb in conference series: Goldschmidt
(2014) Paleoclimate Proxies Also Record Human Impact SignalsStinchcomb G, Williamson F, Messner T, Stewart RM, Allen P, Driese S & Nordt L
(2014) Quantitative Links between Biota, Mass-Balance Geochemistry and the Soil Atmosphere in the Piedmont Uplands Critical Zone, USA
Stinchcomb G, Sullivan P, Hasenmueller E, Sak P & Brantley S
(2014) Rock + H2O + CO2 + O2 = Regolith
Brantley S, Lebedeva M, Stinchcomb G, Orlando J & Bazilevskaya E
(2013) A Review of CO2 and O2 Gas Dynamics within the Sub-Surface Critical Zone and Implications for Early-Atmosphere Studies Using Paleosols
Stinchcomb G & Brantley S
(2012) Construction of a Fully Searchable Soils Database Integrating Soil Characterization Data and Whole-Soil Geochemical Data
Driese S, Nordt L, Stinchcomb G & Kuijper K
(2012) Towards Reconstructing Climate and Ecosystem for paleoVertisols Using Bulk Geochemistry
Driese S, Nordt L, Stinchcomb G & Kuijper K