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All abstracts by Travis McLing in conference series: Goldschmidt

(2024) An Approach to Carbon-Negative in situ Mining of Platinum Group Elements from Ultramafic-Hosted Ore
Neupane G, Smith RW, Jin W, McLing T, Atkinson TA, Li W & Aertker SW

(2024) Experimental Assessment of Basalt Dissolution Rates Under Shallow Aqueous Carbon Dioxide Sequestration PCO2 and Temperatures
Smith RW, Neupane G, Kumar R, Atkinson TA, Rasouli P & McLing T

(2023) Simulation of Aqueous CO2 Injections into Eastern Snake River Plain Basalts, Idaho, USA
Smith RW, Neupane G, Atkinson TA, Jin W & McLing T

(2019) Natural Analogue Evaluation of the Fate of Hydrogen Sulfide from a Leaking Carbon Sequestration Site
Smith R, Fujita Y, Neupane G, Reed D, Conrad M & McLing T

(2017) Rare Earth Element Concentraions in Thermal Oil and Gas Brines In Wyoming
McLing T, Neupane G, Nye C, Quillnan S & McLaughlin F

(2012) Carbon Dioxide Groundwater Mixing and Mineralization Reactions with Reservoir Rocks at a Natural Analogue Site, Soda Springs, Idaho, USA
McLing T, Smith R & Smith W

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