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All abstracts by Seung-Gu Lee in conference series: Goldschmidt

(2024) Ba Oxide and Gd Isobar Effects on Eu Isotope Ratio Measurement Using MC-ICP-MS with a Sm Internal Standard
Lee S-G

(2023) Eu Isotope Fractionation in the Granitoids Derived from Crustal Material and Granitoids Derived from Mantle Material
Lee S-G, Ko K, Song K-Y & Hong P

(2022) Eu Isotope Fractionation and Isotope Ratio Shift during Evolution Processes of the Extrusive and Intrusive Magma in the Crust-Mantle System
Lee S-G & Tanaka T

(2021) Carbonate Minerals in Trachytes, Ulleung Island, South Korea; Implications for Carbon Recycling in Subduction Zones
Chen S, Ren M, Lee H, Smith E, Huang S, Lee S-G, Lee T & Gao R

(2020) REE, Nd, Sr and Eu Isotope Geochemistry of Anorthosite at Sancheong Area, Korea
Lee S-G & Park Y-R

(2019) REE Tetrad Effect of the Granite in Pocheon Area, Korea
Lee H-M & Lee S-G

(2019) REE and Nd Isotope Geochemistry of the Felsic Granitoids in the Acasta Gneiss Complex, Canada
Lee S-G, Kim HC & Yang PS

(2018) Lithium Isotope Geochemistry of Hot Springs in South Korea
Choi H-B, Ryu J-S, Lee S-G & Ko K-S

(2018) Eu Isotope Variation in Eu Standard Materials and Geological Materials
Lee S-G & Tanaka T

(2018) REE and Sr Isotope Geochemistry of Apatites from the Yeongju and Andong Granites, Yeongnam Massif, Korea
Yoon R, Lee S-G, Park K-H & Song Y-S

(2017) Comparison of REE Tetrad Effect Using ID-Icp-Qms, Conventional ICP-Qms and LA-ICP-QMS Methods
Lee S-G, Tanaka T, Kon Y & Hirata T

(2017) The Pirrit Hills Granite with Tetrad REE Patterns in West Antarctica
Lee H-M, Lee S-G, Lee JI & Lee MJ

(2016) Black-Colored Deep Groundwater in the Mudstone Aquifer of Pohang Area, Korea
Lee S-G, Lee TJ, Yoon YY & Lee CW

(2012) Strontium, Carbon, Hydrogen and Oxygen Isotope Geochemistry from Two Hot Spring Waters in Busan Area, Korea
Lee S-G, Nakamura T, Kim T-K, Yoon YY, Ohta T, Lee T & Kim HC

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