All abstracts by Ellen Crapster-Pregont in conference series: Goldschmidt
(2018) Rare Earth Elements in CO and CV Chondrite ComponentsEbel D, Crapster-Pregont E, Gemma M & Christoph J
(2014) Hierarchical Accretion, Melting by Short Circuits, and the Origins of Chondritic Planetesimals
Ebel D, Weisberg M, Hubbard A, Crapster-Pregont E, McNally C & Mac Low M-M
(2013) Cosmochemical Constraints on Asteroid Accretion
Ebel D, Weisberg M & Crapster-Pregont E
(2011) Intercalibration of Ar-Ar Standards and Samples at LDEO
Hemming S, Tsukui K, Mesko G, Ali G, Cai Y, Adler A, Campbell S, Crapster-Pregont E, Doherty C, Gombiner J, Russell J, Templeton J, Tremblay M & Vankeuren M
(2010) Lithium and Oxygen Isotopes and Oxidation State of Lower Oceanic Crust: Atlantis Massif, 30°N
Reynolds V, Crapster-Pregont E, Dyar D, Jawin E, McDonough W, Qiu L, Rumble D & Tucker J