All abstracts by Laurent Cormier in conference series: Goldschmidt
(2014) The Structure of Glasses and Melts: Order in the ChaosCalas G, Cormier L & Galoisy L
(2013) Multimodal and Multiscale Microscopies to Study Biomineralization and Crystallization Processes
Menguy N, Benzerara K, Li J, Cormier L, Dargaud O & Radtke G
(2011) Molecular Scale Origin of Nuclear Waste Glass Properties
Calas G, Cormier L, Delaye J-M, Galoisy L, Jollivet P & Peuget S
(2010) Structural Role of Zr in Silicate Glasses and Melts
Calas G, Dargaud O, Galoisy L, Cormier L, Menguy N, Ferlat G & Newville M
(2008) Structure of Silicate Melts Using in situ High Temperature X-Ray Absorption on Light Elements (Mg, Si, Al, K, Ca)
Neuville D, De Ligny D, Cormier L, Flank AM & Lagarde P
(2008) A High Temperature Raman Spectroscopy Study of Glasses and Melts along the GeO2-SiO2 Join
Henderson GS, Neuville D, Cochain B & Cormier L
(2008) Kinetics and Mechanisms of Iron Redox Reactions in Silicate Glasses and Melts: A XANES Study
Cochain B, Neuville D, De Ligny D, Cormier L, Roux J, Pinet O & Richet P
(2004) Structure of Tectosilicate and Peraluminous Glasses in the CaOAl2O3- SiO2 System
Cormier L, Neuville D & Massiot D