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All abstracts by Fernando Corfu in conference series: Goldschmidt

(2024) U-Pb Age and Geochemistry to Unravel Variscan Late- to Post-Tectonic Magmatism
Reis AI & Corfu F

(2023) Petrogenesis of S-Type Syntectonic Granites from Santa Comba de Rossas, Northern Portugal
Teixeira RJS, Preto Gomes ME, Corfu F, Silva PB & Meireles CAP

(2020) Petrochronological and Structural Constraints on Intra-Oceanic Subduction Initiation from the Metamorphic Sole of the New Caledonia Ophiolite
Guerer D, Cenki-Tok B, Chatzaras V, Corfu F, Collot J & Maurizot P

(2017) Rutile R632 – A New Natural Reference Material for in situ U–Pb and Zr Analyses
Axelsson E, Berndt J, Pape J, Corfu F, Mezger K & Raith MM

(2017) Low Temperature Alteration of Monazite Phenocrysts in Pegmatite: A General Feature
Bingen B, Seydoux-Guillaume A-M, Corfu F, Whitehouse MJ, Bosse V, Müller A & Guillaume D

(2017) On the Relationship of the Nebo Granite to the Rustenburg Layered Suite, Bushveld Complex
Skursch O, Tegner C, Corfu F, Cawthorn G, Hagen-Peter G & Lesher C

(2016) Normal Zircon and Special Zircon, and their Functionality as Geochronometers
Corfu F

(2015) Geochemistry and U-Pb Age of Early Ordovician Ash-Fall Tuff Beds from Moncorvo, Northern Portugal
Urbano E, Gomes M, Meireles C, Teixeira R, Sá A, Santos F, Azevedo M & Corfu F

(2015) Geochemical Variation in Granitoids Induced Through Hot Fluid Transfer
Kleinhanns I, Engvik A, Corfu F & Schoenberg R

(2013) New U-Pb Ages for Syn-Orogenic Magmatism in the SW Sector of the Ossa Morena Zone (Portugal)
Moita P, Santos JF, Costa MM & Corfu F

(2013) Igniting Flare-Up Events in Sistan Suture Zone, Iran
Rezaei-Kahkhaei M & Corfu F

(2012) Discordant Polymetamorphic Zircons: The Rule in Crystalline Nappes of the SW Norwegian Caledonides
Roffeis C & Corfu F

(2011) Geochemistry of S-Type Granitic Rocks from the Valongo Area (Northern Portugal)
Carvalho P, Neiva A, Vinha M & Corfu F

(2011) Early Ordovician Volcanism in Eucísia and Mateus Areas, Central Iberian Zone, Northern Portugal
Coke C, Teixeira R, Gomes M, Corfu F & Rubio Ordóñez A

(2011) ID-TIMS as a Tool for Terrane Provenance Studies in Polyorogenic Complexes: A Case from the SW-Norwegian Caledonides
Roffeis C, Corfu F & Gabrielsen RH

(2011) U-Pb Geochronology of the Southern Scandinavian Caledonides: The Mesoproterozoic Espedalen Anorthosite-Gabbro-Norite Massif and Associated Rocks
Corfu F & Heim M

(2010) Geochemistry of Granites from the Guarda-Sabugal Area, Portugal
Neiva AMR, Silva PB, Corfu F & Ramos JMF

(2010) High Temperature Cooling History of Two Variscan Late- to Post-Kinematic Granitic Plutons from Aguiar da Beira (NE Portugal)
Costa M, Neiva AM, Azevedo MDR & Corfu F

(2009) New Insights in the Early Ordovician Magmatism from the Marão Anticline, Northern Portugal
Gomes M, Coke C, Teixeira R, Azevedo M & Corfu F

(2009) Petrogenesis of S-Type Syntectonic Granites from Carrazeda de Ansiães, Northern Portugal
Teixeira R, Neiva A, Gomes M & Corfu F

(2009) Integrated Zircon U/Pb, (U-Th)/He, and Oxygen Stable Isotope Study of a Normal Fault Zone (Western Alps, Switzerland)
Guerra I, Corfu F, Stockli D, Ruiz G, Mancktelow N, Negro F, Vennemann T & Kalt A

(2009) Genesis of Syn-D3 Two-Mica Granite from Aguiar da Beira (Central Portugal)
Costa MM, Neiva AMR, Azevedo MDR, Corfu F & Teixeira R

(2008) The Genesis of I- and S-Type Granitoid Rocks of the Early Ordovician Oledo Pluton, Central Iberian Zone (Central Portugal)
Antunes IMHR, Neiva A, Silva M & Corfu F

(2007) Resolving the Emplacement History of Syntectonic Granites from Carrazeda de Ansiães, N Portugal, by U-Pb
Teixeira R, Neiva A, Gomes M & Corfu F

(2007) Towards Improved Accuracy of SHRIMP Zircon 207Pb-206Pb Measurements
Stern R, Kamo S, Bodorkos S, Hickman A & Corfu F

(2007) Zircon M257 – A New Standard for SHRIMP U-Pb Geochronology
Nasdala L, Hofmeister W, Mattinson J, Dörr W, Corfu F, Reiners P, Kronz A, Norberg N & Kröner A

(2005) Molybdenite Deposits: Time Markers for Orogenic Processes, Example from SW Scandinavia
Bingen B, Stein HJ, Corfu F, Hamilton MA, Hannah JL & Henderson IHC

(2004) Crustal Processing: The Finnmarkian Orogen Reassessed
Corfu F, Fernando R, Torsvik T, Andersen T, Ramsay D & Ashwal L

(2004) The Seiland Igneous Province: Provenance and Geodynamic Significance
Roberts R, Corfu F, Ashwal L, Thorsvik T & Ramsay D

(2002) A Late Ordovician U-Pb Age for HP Metamorphism of the Tromsdalstind Eclogite in the Uppermost Allochthon of the Scandinavian Caledonides
Corfu F, Krogh Ravna E & Kullerud K

(2002) Zircon U-Pb Ages of Porphyroids of the Peloritan Mountains (NE Sicily): Constraints on the pre-Variscan Evolution of the Peloritan Microplate
Trombetta A, Cirrincione R, Corfu F, Mazzoleni P & Pezzino A

(2001) Zircon, the Petrogenetic Messenger: How Well Do We Understand Its Message?
Corfu F

(2000) U-Pb Geochronology of the Lofoten-Vesteraalen AMCG Suite, Northern Norway
Corfu F

(2000) U-Pb Zircon Dating of the Mesoproterozoic Brunkeberg Formation and its Bearing on the Stratigraphy and Tectonic Setting of Telemark Supracrustals, South Norway
Laajoki K, Corfu F & Tom A

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