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All abstracts by Azzurra Zucchini in conference series: Goldschmidt

(2019) The Hydrothermal Synthesis of Alkali-Carbonates: An Hypothetical Equivalent of the Ceres Bright Spots
Zucchini A, Morgavi D, Stabile P, Carroll MR, Comodi P, Frondini F, Perugini D, Cherin M, Maturilli A, D'Amore M, Helbert J, Alemanno G, Fastelli M & Arzilli F

(2013) A New Insight of the Role of the Fluids Below Victoria Land (Harrow Peaks, Antarctica)
Gentili S, Comodi P, Bonadiman C, Coltorti M, Biagioni C & Zucchini A

(2013) The Baric Behaviour of Bloedite at Low and High T: A Contribution to the Study of Icy Satellites
Comodi P, Stagno V, Zucchini A, Fei Y & Prakapenka V

(2012) The HP Stability of Bloedite (Na2Mg(SO4)2 4H2O: A Contribution to the Knowledge of Asteroids and Icy Satellites
Comodi P, Nazzareni S, Balic-Zunic T, Hanfland M & Zucchini A

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