All abstracts by Agustin Colussi in conference series: Goldschmidt
(2013) Chemical Reactions at the Air-Water Interface in the TroposphereHoffmann M, Mishra H & Colussi A
(2011) Anions Dramatically Enhance Proton Transfer Across the Air-Water Interface
Hoffmann M, Mishra H, Enami S, Neilson R, Goddard W & Colussi A
(2011) Cationic Polymerization of Isoprene on Cloudwater Droplets
Enami S, Mishra H, Hoffmann M & Colussi A
(2009) Photochemical Formation of Large Molecular Weight Oligomers from Low-Molecular Weight Keto-Carbonyls in Haze Aerosol
Hoffmann M, Rincon A & Colussi A