All abstracts by Arnaud Villaros in conference series: Goldschmidt
(2017) The Role of Source Processes in the Origin of Rare Metal Magmas – Insights from Micas in Granites and PegmatitesVillaros A & Pichavant M
(2017) Post-Collisional Magmas: Isotopically Camouflaged Contributors to Crustal Growth
Couzinié S, Laurent O, Moyen J-F, Zeh A, Bouilhol P & Villaros A
(2015) The Source-Granite-Pegmatite Connection Through Mica/Melt Partitioning from Crustal Melting to Magma Crystallisation
Villaros A & Pichavant M
(2013) Successive Geotherms, Granitic Production and Evolution of the Lower Crust in a Post Collisional Context
Villaros A, Moyen J-F & Pichavant M
(2006) The Origin of the S-type Cape Granite (South Africa)
Villaros A, Stevens G & Buick IS