All abstracts by Patricia Colberg in conference series: Goldschmidt
(2010) Microbial Fuel Cell Study of the Role of OmcA and MtrC in Electron Transfer from Shewanella oneidensis to Oxide ElectrodesJani R, Colberg P, Eggleston C, Shi L & Reardon C
(2010) Redox-Linked Conformation Change Observed for Adsorbed Metal-Reducing Bacterial Cytochromes
Sycheva L, Eggleston C, Colberg P, Magnuson T & Shi L
(2008) Functional Characterization of C-Type Cytochromes from Iron-Respiring Bacteria
Magnuson T, Swenson M, Colberg P & Eggleston C
(2004) Interaction of Redox Metalloproteins with Hematite Surfaces
Khare N, Eggleston C & Colberg P
(2000) Controls on the Mobility of Arsenic in Sediments of Milltown Reservoir, Montana, USA
Drever JI & Colberg PJ