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All abstracts by George Cody in conference series: Goldschmidt

(2014) Chemical Dependence of the Structural Position of OH Groups in Silicate Glass: with Implication for H2O/OH Measurements Through IR Spectroscopy
Le Losq C, Cody G & Mysen B

(2013) Hydrogen Isotope Exchange between Insoluble Organic Matter and Water in Chondrite Parent Bodies
Kebukawa Y & Cody G

(2012) Revealing the Signature of Ancient Biochemistry with Soft X-Rays
Cody G

(2012) Prebiotic Selection of D-Ribose on Mineral Surfaces
Klochko K, Hazen R, Sverjensky D & Cody G

(2012) Experimental Evidence that Redox State Influences Amino Acid Stability Under Hydrothermal Conditions
Lee N, Foustoukos D, Sverjensky D, Cody G & Hazen R

(2012) A Plausible Relationship between D/H in Primitive Solar System Organic Solids, their Origin, and their Associated Water
Cody G, Wang Y, Kebukawa Y, Fogel M & Alexander C

(2011) Revealing the Hidden Signature of Biomacromolecules in Ancient Organic Fossils
Cody G, Hazen R, Gupta S & Kilcoyne D

(2011) Quantitative Deuterium NMR as a Site-Specific D/H Probe to Study Organic Matter
Wang Y, Cody G, Alexander C & Fogel M

(2010) Surface-Catalyzed Peptide Formation on Sulfide Minerals
Ohara S & Cody G

(2010) Adsorption of Amino Acids on Oxide Surfaces as a Function of Environmental Conditions
Lee N, Jonsson C, Jonsson C, Ohara S, Cody G, Klochko K, Cleaves JH, Sverjensky D & Hazen R

(2010) Boron Speciation and Isotope Systematics in Seawater, Biological and Inorganic Carbonates
Klochko K, Kim S-T, Foster GL, Cody G, Tossell JA, Farquhar J & Kaufman AJ

(2009) Carbonaceous Material Associated with Apatite in the Akilia Qp Rock
Papineau D, De Gregorio B, Fries M, Steele A, Stroud R, Wang J, Mojzsis S, Konhauser K, Pecoits E, Cody G & Fogel M

(2009) Correlated Microanalysis of Extraterrestrial Carbonaceous Nanoglobules
Nittler L, Alexander C, Cody G, De Gregorio B, Kilcoyne D, Stroud R & Zega T

(2008) Sub-Micron XANES Analysis of the Organic Structure of Comet Wild 2/81P Particles
Cody G, Yabuta H, Alexander C & Kilcoyne D

(2008) Similar Fossil Ferns Having Dissimilar Organic Geochemical Preservation
Czaja A, Kudryavtsev A, Cody G & Schopf JW

(2008) Finding Needles in the Haystack: Coordinated Analyses on Planetary Materials
Zega T, Alexander C, Busemann H, Cody G, Kilcoyne D, Nguyen A, Nittler L & Stroud R

(2008) Surface Speciation of Aspartate and Glutamate on Titanium Dioxide
Jonsson C, Jonsson C, Sverjensky D, Cleaves HJ, Hazen R & Cody G

(2008) Interplanetary Dust Collected in the Comet Grigg-Skjellerup Dust Stream
Busemann H, Nguyen AN, Nittler LR, Stroud RM, Zega TJ, Cody G, Yabuta H & Kilcoyne ALD

(2008) Re-evaluating Boron Speciation in Biogenic Calcite and Aragonite Using 11B MAS NMR
Klochko K, Cody G, Tossell JA, Dera P & Kaufman AJ

(2006) The ‘not so noble’ behaviour of nitrogen in silicate melts at high pressure and temperature
Mysen B, Roskosz M & Cody G

(2003) Solubility and Solution Mechanism of H2O in Alkali Silicate Melts at High Pressure
Mysen B & Cody G

(2003) Structure and Disorder of Silicate Melts at High-Pressure: 17O 3QMAS NMR, Quantum Calculations & Thermodynamic Modeling
Lee S, Fei Y, Cody G & Mysen B

(2002) Abiotic Carbon Fixation Promoted by Transition Metal Sulfides Under Hydrothermal Conditions
Cody G, Boctor N, Brandes J, Filley T, Hazen R & Yoder Jr H

(2002) The Chemical Origins and Evolution of Organic Matter in Carbonaceous Chondrites
Cody G, Alexander C & Tera F

(2001) Hydrothermal Origins of Biochemical Organosynthesis: A Red Herring or the Geochemical Roots of Life?
Cody GD, Boctor NZ, Hazen RM, Scott JH, Sharma A & Yoder HS

(2001) Geochemical Applications of Computational Chemistry for Structural Analysis of Amorphous Macromolecular Solids
Cody GD & Sz·ghi-SzabÛ G

(2001) Experimental Determination of Phase Equilibria in the System H2O-CO2 at High Pressure and Temperature with Implications on the Presence of Organic Phases
Sharma A, McAdam A, Hemley RJ, Cody GD, Hazen RM & Chou I-M

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