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All abstracts by Jon Chorover in conference series: Goldschmidt

(2024) Synchrotron X-Ray Spectromicroscopy for Trace Chemical Speciation at Sub-20 nm Resolution
Pattammattel A, Root RA, Chorover J, Chu YS & Yan H

(2024) Molecular-Scale Pathways of Contaminant Arsenic Cycling and Bioavailability in Climate-Controlled Weathered Mine-Tailings
Root RA, Song B, De Gracia XM, Alghzawi MZ & Chorover J

(2023) The Role of Nanophases in Critical Zone Dynamics
Gelin M, Cunningham C, Guertin AS, Druhan JL, Chorover J, Derry LA, Tharaud M, Benedetti MF & Bouchez J

(2023) The Bioaccessibility of Arsenic and Lead from Sulfidic Mine Tailings is Controlled by Contaminant and Host Speciation
Root RA & Chorover J

(2023) Effects of Biocrust Formation and Moss Colonization on Biogeochemical Properties of Basaltic Tephra
Dontsova K, Cortes L, Makke G, Tfaily M, Garcia J, Sengupta A, Arnold E, Chorover J & Saleska S

(2023) FTICR-Based Metabolomics Reveals the Dynamics of Soil Metabolic Complexity of Primary Succession at the Landscape Evolutionary Observatory at Biosphere 2, Az, USA
Makke G, Bugaj A, Dontsova K, Chorover J, Arnold E, Saleska S & Tfaily M

(2023) Congruent vs. Incongruent Silicate Weathering as a Function of Climate Hydrochemistry in Two Subduction-Related Granitoids
Derry L, Suhr N, Fernandez NM, Chorover J, Geisbrecht I, Druhan JL & Gaillardet J

(2023) Organic Matter and Si – The Guardians of Fe-Rich Colloid Persistence in a Redox-Active Floodplain
Engel M, Noël V, Pierce S, Kovarik L, Kukkadapu R, Lezama-Pacheco JS, Qafoku O, Chorover J, Boye K & Bargar J

(2022) Connecting Weathering, Entropy and the Search for Life
Zaharescu DG, Lybrand R, Dontsova K & Chorover J

(2020) Microbial and Plant Effects on Rock Weathering and Protosoil Formation
Chorover J

(2020) Effects of Compost on Fe Minerals and As Mobility of Legacy Tailings during Redox Oscillation
Liu Y, Root R & Chorover J

(2019) Climate Impacts on (In)congruent Silicate Weathering Constrained by Ge/Si Ratios
Derry L, Aguirre A, Chorover J, Hernandez N & Perez-Fodich A

(2018) Combining U-Series and Sr Isotopes to Trace Water Flow Through the Critical Zone
White A, Ma L, Moravec B, McIntosh J & Chorover J

(2018) Structural and Functional Response of Incipient Basaltic Microbial Community to Shifts in Soil Moisture Regime
Sengupta A, Barberan A, Stegen J, Volkmann T, Dontsova K, Neilson J, Chorover J, Maier R, Troch P & Meredith L

(2018) Measuring Critical Zone Co-evolution in Real Time
Chorover J, Olshansky Y, Pelletier J, Rasmussen C, Barron-Gafford G & Abramson N

(2018) Oxidative Biological Weathering and its Archean Origins
Zaharescu GD, Szeinbaum N, Burghelea C, Dontsova K, Chorover J & Reinhard C

(2017) Hydrologic and Environmental Controls on Uranium-Series Isotopes in a Natural Volcanic Weathering Environment
White A, Ma L, Moravec B, McIntosh J & Chorover J

(2017) Changing Water, Carbon and Energy Fluxes Alters Deep CZ Structure and Solute Exports to Streams
McIntosh J, Moravec B, White A & Chorover J

(2016) Phosphate Effect on Uranium Release from Acidic Reacted Hanford Sediments
Um W, Wang G, Washton N, Mueller K & Chorover J

(2014) Rates and Mechanisms of Uranyl Oxyhydroxide Mineral Dissolution
Reinoso-Maset E, Um W, Chorover J, Steefel C & O'Day P

(2014) Acid-Weathering and Uranium Speciation: Reaction Kinetics and Phosphate Addition
Perdrial N, Vasquez-Ortega A, Reinoso-Maset E, O'Day PA & Chorover J

(2013) Basalt, Granite, Rhyolite, and Schist Weathering as Affected by Plants and Microorganisms
Dontsova K, Zaharescu D, Burghelea C, Chorover J, Maier R & Huxman T

(2013) Plant Establishment in Sulfide Ore-Derived Mine Tailings Stabilizes Arsenic in situ Despite Promoting Arsenopyrite Oxidation
Hammond C, Root R, Maier R & Chorover J

(2013) Critical Zone Evolution by Jerks
Chorover J, Brooks P, Harpold A, Litvak M, McIntosh J, Pelletier J, Perdrial J, Troch P & Rasmussen C

(2012) Organic Matter Effects on Xenobiotic Sorption at Critical Zone Interfaces
Chorover J

(2012) Do Critical Zone Carbon and Water Fluxes Control Chemical Denudation?
Perdrial J, Brooks P, Chorover J, Condon K, Harpold A, Holleran M, Huckle D, Lybrand R, Troch P, McIntosh J, Meixner T, Minor R, Mitra B, Pohlmann M, Rasmussen C, Swetnam T, Vasquez-Ortega A & Zapata-Rios X

(2012) Weathering of Granular Basalt on a Volcanic Crater Slope: An Electron Microprobe and synchrotron-Xrd Approach
Zaharescu DG, Dontsova K, Perdrial N, Burghelea C, Chorover J, Perdrial J, Maier R & Huxman T

(2011) Predicting the Fate of Radionuclides at the Hanford Tank Farm Using Analog Sediments
Perdrial N, Thompson A, Rivera N, Deng Y-T, O'Day P & Chorover J

(2011) Impact of Water Sources and Flow Paths on Carbon in Streams of Seasonally Snow-Covered Catchments
Perdrial J, Brooks P, Chorover J, Harpold A, Heidbuechel I, McIntosh J, Ray J & Zapata-Rios X

(2011) Integrating Climate and Landscape Controls on Regolith Depth, Chemistry and Mineral Assemblage
Rasmussen C, Lybrand R, Jardine A, Pelletier J, Troch P & Chorover J

(2011) Synchrotron XAS and XRF Study of Microbially Reduced Arsenic and Iron in Iron-Based Remediation Media
Root R, Alday F, Fathordoobadi S, Ela W & Chorover J

(2011) Bench Scale Experiments Modeling the Effects of a Phytostabilization Strategy for Arsenic and Lead Containing Mine Tailings in the Semi-Arid Southwestern United States
Hammond C, Root R, White S, Maier R & Chorover J

(2011) Bio-Inorganic Interfaces in the Critical Zone
Chorover J

(2010) Coupled Arsenic and Sulfur Speciation in Semi-Arid Mine Tailings
Root R, Hayes S, Schowalter C & Chorover J

(2010) Reactive Transport Modeling of Incongruent Basalt Dissolution in the Biosphere 2 Hillslope Experiment
Dontsova K, Steefel C, Desilets S, Thompson A & Chorover J

(2010) Mineral Transformations and Contaminant Release Dynamics Under Wetting-Drying Cycles in Simulated Hanford Sediments
Perdrial N, Thompson A & Chorover J

(2010) Molecular Adhesion Mechanisms of Cell-(oxyhydr)oxide Interaction
Chorover J

(2010) Characterization of Nano-Crystalline Fe in Basaltic Soils
Thompson A, Rancourt D, Chadwick O & Chorover J

(2009) Combined FISH, μ-XRF, and SEM Analysis to Examine Microbe-Metal Interactions on Root Surfaces
Maier RM, Chorover J, Iverson SL & Hayes SM

(2009) 27Al NMR Studies of the Impact of Tank Waste Leachates on Hanford Sediment Samples
Strepka C, Mueller K, O'Day P, Chorover J, Sunkyung C & Perdrial N

(2008) Speciation of Lead and Zinc in Weathered Arid Mine Tailings
Hayes S & Chorover J

(2008) NMR Studies of the Impact of Mineral Transformation and Sorbate Aging on Contaminant Speciation and Mobility
Strepka C, Mueller K, O'Day P & Chorover J

(2008) Evolution of Soil Iron Mineral Composition as a Function of Climate-Driven Fe Loss
Thompson A, Rancourt DG, Chadwick OA & Chorover J

(2008) Strontium and Cesium Desorption from Reacted Hanford Sediments
Rivera N, O'Day P, Choi S, Thompson A & Chorover J

(2006) Biogeochemical Monitoring Of Heavy Metals In Food Webs: Sources, Deposition, Pathways And Bioaccumulation
Chesley J, Reinthal P, Ruiz J, Corley T, Morfin O & Chorover J

(2005) Depth Profiling Adsorption of Extracellular Polymeric Substances (EPS) from Pseudomonas aeruginosa (PAO1) onto Hematite: A Variable Angle ATR-FTIR Spectroscopic Approach
Omoike A & Chorover J

(2005) Desorption of Contaminant Cs and Sr from Clay Systems after Weathering in Caustic Waste Solutions
Choi S, Amistadi MK, O'Day P & Chorover J

(2002) The Effect of Mineral Mesoporosity on Amino Acid Adsorption
Zimmerman A, Goyne K, Chorover J, Kubicki J, Komarneni S & Brantley S

(2001) Dissolution Behavior of a Soil Chronosequence
Chorover J & Chadwick OA

(2001) Sorption of 2, 4-Dichlorophenoxyacetic Acid to Porous Minerals
Goyne KW, Chorover J, Brantley SL & Komarneni S

(2001) The Effect of Mesopores on Organic Adsorption to Mineral Analogues
Zimmerman AR, Brantley SL, Kubicki JD, Chorover J & Goyne KW

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