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All abstracts by Marcel Sena Campos in conference series: Goldschmidt

(2014) Algoma-Type Neoproterozoic BIFs and Related Marbles in the Seridó Belt (NE Brazil): REE, C, O, Cr and Sr Isotope Evidence
Sial AN, Campos MS, Gaucher C, Frei R, Ferreira VP, Nascimento RC, Pimentel MM & Pereira NS

(2013) C-, Cr-, Sr-Isotope Stratigraphies and Rare-Earth Elements in Carbonate and BIFs of the Neoproterozoic Jucurutu Formation, Seridó Belt, NE Brazil
Campos MS, Sial AN, Gaucher C, Frei R, Ferreira VP, Nascimento RSC, Pimentel MM & Pereira NS

(2011) Mercury Stratigraphy: A Proxy for Volcanogenic CO2 Buildup in Neoproterozoic Snowball Earth and Volcanism in the K-T Transition
Sial A, Lacerda L, Gaucher C, Ferreira V, Chiglino L, Campos M, Nascimento-Silva V & Cezario W

(2011) C, Sr Isotopes in Cap Carbonate and and Ce Anomaly in BIFs of Jucurutu Formation, Seridó Belt, NE, Brazil
Campos M, Sial A, Gaucher C, Ferreira V, Frei R, Nascimento R & Pimentel M

(2010) C, Sr Isotopes, Cap Carbonates and Iron Formation, Neoproterozoic Seridó Belt, NE Brazil
Sial AN, Gaucher C, Ferreira VP, Campos MS, Nascimento RSC & Pimentel MM

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