All abstracts by William Burgos in conference series: Goldschmidt
(2018) Mobility of Contaminants in Waste Fluids Applied to Dirt and Gravel Roads for Dust SuppressionStallworth A, Warner N, Tasker T & Burgos W
(2018) Interaction of Anaerobic Acidophiles with Aluminum at the Micro-Scale
Sánchez-España J, Yusta I & Burgos W
(2015) Mn(II) Oxidation and Remediation in Polluted Environments
Santelli C, Chaput D, Hansel C, Burgos W, Duckworth O & Gardner T
(2015) A Comparison of Synthetic Triclinic and Hexagonal Birnessites with Natural Birnessites
Ling F, Post J, Heaney P, Ilton E, Santelli C, Burgos W & Rose A
(2014) Microbial Communities at a Highly Efficient Acid Mine Drainage Site
Grettenberger C, Pearce A, Macalady J, Burgos W & Bibby K
(2014) Quantifying Stream-Groundwater Interactions and Biogeochemical Cycling at Several Spatial and Temporal Scales
Gooseff M, Wlostowski A, Singha K, Ward A, McGlynn B & Burgos W
(2013) Rates of Low-Ph Biological Fe(II) Oxidation in the Appalachian Coal Basin and the Iberian Pyrite Belt
Larson L, Sanchez-Espana J & Burgos W
(2011) Uranium Valence Cycling with Iron-Rich Phyllosilicates
Burgos W, Luan F, Boyanov M, Kemner K & Dong H
(2011) Schwertmannite and Fe Oxides Formed by Biological Low-Ph Fe(II) Oxidation Versus Abiotic Neutralization
Larson L, Luan F, Troyer L, Borch T & Burgos W
(2011) Ecological Niches of Fe-Oxidizing Acidophiles in a Coal Mine Discharge
Jones D, Brown J, Larson L, Mills D, Burgos W & Macalady J
(2011) Electrical Resistivity Imaging of a Deep Coal Mine Discharge
Burgos W, Fitzgerald M, Larson L, Herwehe L, Singha K & Gooseff M
(2010) Application of a Depositional Facies Model to an Acid Mine Drainage Site
Brown J, Jones D, Macalady J & Burgos B
(2010) Bioreduction of Nitrobenzene, Natural Organic Matter and Hematite by Shewanella putrefaciens CN32
Luan F & Burgos B
(2009) Mn(II)-oxidizing Fungi in Metal Contaminated Environments
Santelli C, Pfister D, Lazarus D, Burgos W & Hansel C
(2008) Microbial Nanowires and their Possible Role in Metal Oxidation
Gorby Y, Burgos W & Inskeep W
(2004) Changes in Microbial Response for Natural Organic Matter Promoted Metal Inhibition during Fe(III)-oxide Bioreduction
Stone J, Burgos W & Ruebush S
(2001) Numerical Modeling of Coupled Reaction-Based Biogeochemical Processes and Hydrologic Transport
Yeh GT, Fang YL & Burgos WD
(2001) Impact of Zinc on the Biological Reduction of Hematite Using Dissimilatory Iron Reducing Bacterium Shewanella putrefaciens
Stone JJ, Burgos WD & Royer RA