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All abstracts by Alain Burgisser in conference series: Goldschmidt

(2024) A New era of H-O-C-S Magma Solubility Modeling: Better, Faster, Stronger
Iacovino K, Burgisser A, Ding S, Hughes EC, Kilgour G, Liggins P, Sun C & Wieser P

(2021) Eruptions Triggered by Volatiles Buoyancy: A Way to Mobilize Mush Without Reheating?
Annen CJ, Burgisser A & Pinel V

(2020) Rheological Change and Degassing during a Trachytic Vulcanian Eruption at Kilian Volcano, Chaîne des Puys, France
Colombier M, Burgisser A, Cáceres F, Druitt T, Gurioli L, Hess K-U, Müller D, Shea T & Dingwell D

(2016) On the Dynamics of Mixing in Crystal-Rich Magmas
Bergantz G, Burgisser A & Schleicher J

(2015) Degassing Modeling of Sulfur Isotope Fractionation in Apatite
Economos R, Burgisser A & Boehnke P

(2014) Fe Oxidation State in Hydrous Magmas during Ascent and Degassing
Humphreys M, Brooker R, Fraser D, Burgisser A, Mangan M, McCammon C & Smith V

(2011) Erebus: A Laboratory Volcano in Antarctica
Oppenheimer C, Kyle P, Jones L, McIntosh W, Dunbar N, Ilanko T, Peters N, Moussallam Y, Iacovino K, Boichu M, Sawyer G, Tsanev V, Scaillet B, Pichavant M, Burgisser A, Alletti M & Molina I

(2011) Inverse Modelling of Gas Chemistry Measurements
Burgisser A, Alletti M & Oppenheimer C

(2011) Volatile Solubility in Phonolites from Erebus Volcano: Towards a Multi-Component Degassing Model
Alletti M, Burgisser A, Scaillet B & Oppenheimer C

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