All abstracts by Rebecca Poulson in conference series: Goldschmidt
(2006) Molybdenum Isotopes in Modern Marine Sediments: Unique Signatures of Authigenic ProcessesPoulson R, McManus J, Siebert C & Berelson W
(2006) The accumulation of Authigenic Metals in Marine Sediments: Proxies for the Ocean's Carbon Cycle
McManus J, Poulson R & Berelson W
(2005) Molybdenum and Molybdenum Isotope Diagenesis in Continental Margin Settings: Geochemical Balance and Paleoproxy Implications
McManus J, Siebert C, Poulson R, Nägler T, Berelson W & Severmann S
(2003) Stigating Isotopic Exchange between Dissolved Aqueous and Precipitated Iron Species in Natural and Synthetic Systems
Poulson R, Beard B & Johnson C
(2002) Development of an Iron Isotope Biosignature for Anaerobic Photosynthetic Fe(II) Oxidizing Bacteria
Croal LR, Johnson C, Beard B, Welsch S, Poulson R & Newman DK