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All abstracts by John Breier in conference series: Goldschmidt

(2024) Carbon Matrices Support Transport of Nanoparticulate Iron from Hydrothermal Vents to Open Ocean Waters
Matzen SL, Steiner Z, Ely T, Breier J, Fitzsimmons JN, Achterberg EP, German CR & Toner BM

(2017) The Chemistry of Hydrothermally Derived Iron in the Deep Ocean: A Particle Perspective
Toner B, German C, Dick G & Breier J

(2015) Revisiting Radionuclide Sources at the Marshall Islands
Buesseler K, Charette M, Breier J, Pike S, Henderson P, Kipp L & Tradd K

(2015) Enabling Global Mapping of Marine Omics and Biogeochemistry with an Autonomous Vertical Profiling Sampler
Dick G, Breier J, Gomez-Ibanez D, Jakuba M & Saito M

(2014) The Formation and Fate of Minerals in a Buoyant Rising Plume
Sorensen J, Breier J, Jiang H, Dick G, Tamura N, Kunz M & Toner B

(2012) Measuring the Speciation of Iron in Hydrothermal Plume Particles
Toner B, Breier J, Edwards K, Fakra S, German C, Marcus M & Rouxel O

(2011) Biogeochemical Patterns and Processes in Buoyant, Deep-Sea Hydrothermal Plumes
Wendt K, Ananatharaman K, Breier J, Dick G, Edwards K, Girguis P, Sorensen J, Sylvan J & Toner B

(2010) Biotic-Abiotic Interactions in Deep-Sea Hydrothermal Plumes
Breier J, Anantharaman K, Toner B & Dick G

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