All abstracts by Helmut Brandl in conference series: Goldschmidt
(2016) Fungal Interaction with and Accumulation of VanadiumXu Y-H, Huang J-H & Brandl H
(2013) The Influence of Frost Weathering on the Release of Readily Available Ions from Granite Surfaces
Chwalek T, Torres N, Furrer G, Brandl H, Müller B & Hauser P
(2013) Vanadium Dynamics in Soils Impacted by Vanadiferous Titanomagnetite Ore Mining
Xu Y-H, Brandl H & Huang J-H
(2011) Influence of Cyanide on Granite Weathering
Wongfun N, Plötze M, Brandl H & Furrer G
(2009) Cyanide-Promoted Mineral Weathering in a Glacier Forefield
Wongfun N, Furrer G, Plötze M & Brandl H