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All abstracts by T. Nakamura in conference series: Goldschmidt

(2006) Geochemical study on Temagami Iron-Formations, Canada
Shimada Y, Yasumatsu A, Motomura Y, Okazaki R, Nakamura T, Ohmoto H, Okaue Y & Yokoyama T

(2005) SR-Xrf Analyses of Trace Elements in Electrum from Several Epithermal Gold Deposits, Japan
Sakamoto T, Shimada N, Abe D, Nakamura T, Nozaki W, Shimada K & Iida A

(2004) Heliocentric Distance of the Parent Bodies of Two E Chondrites ALH85119 and MAC88136
Nakashima D, Nakamura T & Okazaki R

(2004) A XAFS Study of Carbonaceous Macromolecular Matter in Carbonaceous Chondrites
Kitajima F, Kitajima Y, Nakamura T & Mase K

(2003) Outflow of Anthropogenic Substances from the Asian Continent to the East China Sea Through Atmosphere
Nakamura T, Matsumoto K & Uematsu M

(2003) Dependence of 14C Ages on Carbon Fraction and Reservoir Effect for Archeological Materials
Nakamura T, Minami M, Oda H, Niu E, Ikeda A & Ohta T

(2003) Estimation of Construction Effect on PM2.5 Consentration
Nakamura T, Yanagisawa Y, Fujii M & Mutsuda H

(2003) CI-Like Chondrite Clasts in Ordinary Chondrite Regolith Breccias and their Implication to the Investigation of the Surface Material of S-Type Asteroids
Noguchi T, Nakamura T, Nakashima D, Inada A & Nagao K

(2003) Early Aqueous Alteration of Hydrous Asteroids Inferred from Sayama CM2 Chondrite
Nakamura T, Noguchi T, Sekiya M & Yoneda S

(2003) Evidence Against the Nebular Shock Model of Chondrule Formation
Uesugi M, Akaki T, Sekiya M & Nakamura T

(2003) Changes of Carbon Isotopic Composition in Modern Pine (Pinus Sylvestris) Tree Rings from Central Japan
Rakowski A & Nakamura T

(2001) Application of Synchrotron Radiation to X-Ray Diffraction Analysis of Small Extraterrestrial Material
Nakamura T, Nozaki W, Noguchi T, Nakamuta Y, Tanaka M & Takaoka N

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