All abstracts by Stacey Borg in conference series: Goldschmidt
(2013) Formation of Arsenic Bearing Apatites from Calcite. Chemistry and MicrostructuresBorg S, Liu W, Pearce M, Cleverley J & MacRae C
(2011) Speciation and Thermodynamic Properties of Manganese(II) and Nickel(II) Chloride Complexes in Hydrothermal Fluids: In situ XAS Study
Tian Y, Brugger J, Liu W, Etschmann B, Borg S, Testemale D, O'Neill B & Ngothai Y
(2010) An Synchrotron XAS Study of Speciation and Thermodynamic Properties for Aqueous Cobalt Chloride Complexes at 600 Bar and 35-440℃
Liu W, Borg S, Testemale D, Etschmann B, Hazemann J-L & Brugger J
(2008) XAS Studies of the Geometric Transitions of Co(II) Species in Chloride Brines from 25℃ to 150℃
Borg S, Liu W, Testemale D & Brugger J