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All abstracts by Izabela Bojakowska in conference series: Goldschmidt

(2013) Rare Earth Elements in Lake Sediments in Poland
Lech D, Bojakowska I & Karmasz D

(2013) Copper Contamination of Lake Sediments in the Vicinity of Konin (Poland)
Bojakowska I, Wołkowicz S & Krasuska J

(2013) Trace Elements in Catanda Carbonatitic Massif (SW Angola)
Wołkowicz S, Bojakowska I, Wołkowicz K & Smakowski T

(2011) Variability of the Element Content in Clays of the Poznan Series
Lech D, Bojakowska I, Brański P & Jaroń I

(2011) Trace Elements in Sediments of Lakes in the Warta River Basin
Bojakowska I, Gliwicz T & Kucharzyk J

(2007) Arsenic and Mercury in Brown and Hard Coals from Deposits of Poland
Pasieczna A, Bojakowska I & Paulo A

(2007) Thallium in Brown and Hard Coals of Poland
Paulo A, Bojakowska I & Pasieczna A

(2007) Trace Elements and Radio Nuclides in Zegrze Reservoir Sediments (Poland)
Bojakowska I, Gliwicz T & Wolkowicz S

(2002) Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons in Materials of Burned Peatbogs
Bojakowska I

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