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All abstracts by Ronny Boch in conference series: Goldschmidt

(2021) Calibration of the Dual Clumped Isotope Thermometer for Carbonates
Fiebig J, Bernecker M, Schneider G, Bernasconi SM, Boch R, Daëron M, Dietzel M, Jautzy JJ & Guo W

(2019) Influence of Microbial Activity on Carbonate Dominated Mineral Precipitates in Tunnel Drainage Systems
Eichinger S, Boch R, Koraimann G, Leis A & Dietzel M

(2017) Seasonal Meteoric and Calcite Precipitation Recorded in Two Active Stalagmites and Cave Monitoring Data from Katerloch, Austria
Sakoparnig M, Boch R, Wang X, Lin K, Spötl C, Leis A, Mittermayr F & Dietzel M

(2017) Experimental CaCO3 Scaling of Different Substrate Materials: Unravelling the Effects of Temperature, Corrosion, Crystal Nucleation and Growth
Hippler D, Simic S & Boch R

(2017) Scale-Fragment Accumulations Blocking Geothermal Energy Extraction – Interacting Steel Sulfide Corrosion and Calcite Crystallization
Boch R, Dietzel M, Haslinger E, Goldbrunner J, Mittermayr F, Fröschl H, Hippler D & Leis A

(2016) A New Devils Hole Chronology and Orbital Forcing of Great Basin Climate
Moseley GE, Edwards RL, Wendt KA, Cheng H, Dublanski Y, Boch R, Lu Y & Spotl C

(2016) Growth Dynamics of Geothermal Carbonate Scalings: Petrographic, Trace Element & Stable/Clumped Isotopic Studies
Boch R, Mindszenty A, Szanyi J, Kluge T, Leis A, Deák J, Demeny A & Dietzel M

(2015) Spatio-Temporal Monitoring of Ikaite (CaCO3.6H2O) Crystallization in a Man-Made River Section
Boch R, Dietzel M, Reichl P, Leis A, Pölt P & Baldermann A

(2009) Last Glacial Rapid Climate Shifts in Central Europe: Environmental and Chronological Considerations from Precisely Dated Cave Carbonates
Boch R, Spötl C, Cheng H, Edwards RL, Wang X & Häuselmann P

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