All abstracts by Dominique Blamart in conference series: Goldschmidt
(2024) New Planktonic and Benthic Clumped Isotope Records on the Mid-Pleistocene Transition: Towards Better Constraints on the Seawater Temperatures and δ18OPeral M, Müller IA, Nana Yobo L, Caley T, Malaizé B, Extier T, McClymont E, Blamart D, Bassinot F, Daëron M, Goderis S, Claeys P, Hodell D, Abrantes FF, Alvarez Zarikian C & Scientific Party E3
(2021) The Contribution of the Foraminiferal Mg/Ca Ratio, Clumped and Conventional Stable Isotope Paleothermometers Combination for Palaeoceanographic Studies
Peral MY, Bassinot F, Daëron M, Blamart D, Bonnin J, Jorissen F, Kissel C, Michel E, Waelbroeck C, Rebaubier H & Gray WR
(2017) Trace Element Ratios in Corals Porites Lobata and Dipsastraea Speciosa from Koshiki Island (Japan)
Rollion-Bard C, Burckel P, Blamart D, Watanabe T & Milner S
(2017) 320 Years of Modern Sea Surface pH and SST Variability in the South Pacific from Coral Proxy Records
Wu H, Dissard D, Douville E, Blamart D, Bordier L, Dapoigny A, Le Cornec F, Tribollet A & Lazareth C
(2017) Clumped Isotopes in Foraminifer Shells Versus Inorganic Carbonates: Testing for Species and Size Effects
Peral M, Daëron M, Blamart D & Bassinot F
(2017) Rapid LA icpTOF Trace Elemental Imaging of Stalagmites
Borovinskaya O, Stremtan C, Drăgușin V & Blamart D
(2017) Precise Comparison of Clumped Isotopes in Synthetic Carbonates and Natural, Slow-Growing Calcite
Daëron M, Blamart D, Drysdale R & Coplen T
(2016) Do Os Isotopes Track Glacial-Interglacial Cycling? The Strange Case of the Benguela Upwelling System
Reisberg L, Blamart D & Zimmermann C
(2015) Mid-Depth Northeast Atlantic 14C during the Past 30000 Years
Frank N, Wefing A-M, Hemsing F, Fohlmeister J, Tisnerat-Laborde N, Blamart D, Schröder-Ritzrau A & Carreiro-Silva M
(2015) Strontium Concentration and Isotopic Ratio in CaCO3 Matrix, Marine Carbonates and Speleothems, by Laser Ablation MC-ICPMS
Thil F, Pons-Banchu E & Blamart D
(2014) SIMS Measurements of Li/Ca, Na/Ca, and Mg/Ca Ratios in Scleractinian Corals: Towards a Better Understanding of their Mechanisms of Incorporation?
Rollion-Bard C & Blamart D
(2012) Reevaluating Osmium Isotopes as Tracers of Glacial-Interglacial Cycling
Reisberg L, Blamart D & Zimmermann C
(2011) Boron Isotopes as pH Proxy: Combination of Boron Speciation and Isotope Composition Data
Rollion-Bard C, Blamart D, Trebosc J, Tricot G, Mussi A & Cuif J-P
(2011) The Os Isotopic Record of Organic Rich Sediments from the Benguela Upwelling System, Namibia
Reisberg L, Blamart D & Zimmermann C
(2009) Impact of Environmental Conditions and Skeletal Ultrastructure on the Li Isotopic Composition of Scleractinian Corals
Rollion-Bard C, Vigier N, Meibom A, Blamart D & Reynaud S
(2008) 13C-18O Bonds in Dissolved Inorganic Carbon: Implications for Carbonate Clumped Isotope Thermometry
Guo W, Daeron M, Niles P, Genty D, Kim S-T, Vonhof H, Affek H, Blamart D, Wainer K & Eiler J
(2008) Absolute Speleo-Thermometry, Using Clumped Isotope Measurements to Correct for Kinetic Isotope Fractionations Induced by CO2 Degassing
Daëron M, Guo W, Eiler J, Genty D, Wainer K, Affek H, Vonhof H & Blamart D
(2007) Oxygen Isotopic Composition in Deep-Sea Coral, Lophelia pertusa
Rollion-Bard C, Blamart D, Cuif J-P, Meibom A, Juillet-Leclerc A & Dauphin Y