All abstracts by Gerd Bernhard in conference series: Goldschmidt
(2011) Uranium(VI) Complexation with Lactate and Citrate in Dependence on Temperature (7-65℃)Steudtner R, Schmeide K & Bernhard G
(2009) Uranium(IV) Colloids in Near-Neutral Solutions: Influences on Particle Size
Dreissig I, Weiss S, Zaenker H & Bernhard G
(2009) Incorporation of U(VI) into Biogenic Carbonates: Molecular Scale Studies
Merroun ML, Rodriguez-Navarro C, Arias JM, Bernhard G & González-Munoz MT
(2009) Spectroscopic Comparison of Aqueous Np(VI) and U(VI) Species
Müller K, Foerstendorf H, Tsushima S, Brendler V & Bernhard G
(2007) FT-Ir Investigation of the Uranium S-Layer Interaction in Aqueous Solutions
Li B, Foerstendorf H, Raff J & Bernhard G
(2007) Mobilisation and Speciation of Depleted Uranium in Water and Soils
Geipel G, Baumann N, Arnold T, Bernhard G, Gerstmann U, Schimmack K & Read D
(2007) Infrared Spectroscopic Identification of Aqueous Uranium(VI) Species
Müller K, Foerstendorf H & Bernhard G
(2006) Alkaline earth uranyl compounds – from solution to mineral phases
Geipel G & Bernhard G
(2004) Fate of Uranium in the Environment
Scheinost A, Bernhard G & Selenska-Pobell S
(2003) The Mineral-Specific Thermodynamic Sorption Database RES3T: Concept Description, Implementation, and Application Towards Contaminated Systems
Richter A, Brendler V & Bernhard G
(2001) The Effect of Secondary Iron Mineral and Colloid Formation on Uranium Sorption during the Dissolution of Chlorite
Krawczyk-Bärsch EE, Arnold T, ̧ttig GH, Zänker H, Brandt F, Bosbach D & Bernhard G