All abstracts by Eve Berger in conference series: Goldschmidt
(2017) Volatile Content of 4-Vesta: Evidence from Unequilibrated EucritesSarafian A, Nielsen S, Marschall H, Gaetani G, Hauri E, Righter K & Berger E
(2016) Space Weathering of Olivine: Samples, Experiments and Modeling
Keller L, Berger E & Christoffersen R
(2014) Constraints on Exposure Ages of Lunar and Asteroidal Regolith Particles
Berger E & Keller L
(2011) Hydrothermal Synthesis of Cubanite Under Conditions Relevant to the CI-Chondrite Parent Body
Berger E, Lauretta D & Keller L
(2010) Stardust and CI-Chondrite Sulfides
Berger E, Lauretta D, Zega T & Keller L