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All abstracts by Chang-Sik Cheong in conference series: Goldschmidt

(2013) The Distribution Map of Lead Isotope Compositions for Galena from Ore Deposits in South Korea
Jeong Y-J, Cheong C-S, Cho HJ, Choi JY, An YM, Shin DB, Kim SJ & Hwang JJ

(2011) Lead Isotopic Compositions for Pb-Zn Deposits in the Eastern South Korea
Jeong Y-J, Cheong C-S, Jo H-J, Choi J-Y, Shin D, Han M-S & Hwang J-J

(2002) Sr, Nd and Pb Isotopic Investigations of Late Cenozoic Alkali Basalts and their Ultramafic Xenoliths in South Korea: A Mixing Zone in the Source Mantle beneath East Asia
Choi SH, Kwon S-T, Sagong H & Cheong C-S

(2002) 230Th/234U Dating of Fossil Mollusc Shells from Jeju Island, Korea by Multiple Collector Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry
Cheong C-S, Choi MS, Khim BK, Sohn YK & Kwon ST

(2002) Paleoproterozoic Orogeny in South Korea: Evidence from Sm-Nd and Pb Step-Leaching Garnet Ages of Precambrian Basement Rocks
Sagong H, Cheong C-S & Kwon S-T

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