All abstracts by Gretchen Benedix in conference series: Goldschmidt
(2020) Planetary Geochronology Using Machine LearningBenedix G, Lagain A, Chai K, Meka S, Servis K, Bland P, Norman C, Towner M, Sansom E & Anderson S
(2020) Mind the Gap: Protolith vs. Processing in Establishing Primitive Achondrite Redox Conditions
McCoy T, Corrigan C, Dickinson T, Benedix G, Schrader D & Davidson J
(2016) 40Ar/39Ar Thermochronology of Unbrecciated Eucrites: Clues to the Crustal Formation of Vesta
Jourdan F, Kennedy T, Benedix G, Eroglu E & Mayers C
(2012) Pb-Tl Chronology of IIAB and IIIAB Iron Meteorites
Andreasen R, Rehkaemper M, Benedix G, Theis K, Schoenbaechler M & Smith C
(2012) Unlocking the Zinc Isotope Systematics of Iron Meteorites
Bridgestock LJ, Rehkamper M, Larner F, Giscard M, Andreasen R, Coles B, Benedix G, Theis K, Schonbachler M & Smith C
(2011) A ~3.63 Ga Major Impact Recorded by the Bunburra Rockhole Anomalous Basaltic Achondrite
Jourdan F, Bland PA, Bouvier A & Benedix G
(2009) Thallium Isotope Evidence for Protracted Cooling of the Acapulcoite-Lodranite Parent Body
Baker R, Rehkämper M, Schönbächler M & Benedix G
(2001) Melt Inclusions in Nakhla as Monitors of Parental Melts on Mars
Stockstill KR, Bodnar RJ, McSween Jr. HY & Benedix GK
(2001) Constraining the Formation Conditions of Silicate-Bearing Iron Meteorites
Benedix GK & McCoy TJ