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All abstracts by Terrance James Beveridge in conference series: Goldschmidt

(2010) Hg(II) Adsorption and Speciation on Bacterial Surfaces
Mishra B, Fein J, Yee N, Beveridge T & Myneni S

(2005) Bacterial Surface Structure, Physicochemistry and Geo-Reactivity
Beveridge T

(2005) X-Ray Microprobe Investigations of Mineral-Metal-Microbe Interfaces
Kemner K, Kelly S, Boyanov M, Lai B, Glasauer S, Langley S, Kulpa C, Beveridge T & Nealson K

(2005) Preferential Adhesion of Rough Phenotypes to Iron Oxides from Heterogeneous DMRB Populations
Korenevsky A, Stukalov O, Dutcher J & Beveridge T

(2005) Bacterial Surface Charge Heterogeneity: Implications for Cell-Metal/mineral Interaction
Phoenix V & Beveridge T

(2004) Shewanella’s Surface Physicochemistry and Adhesiveness to FeOxides
Korenevsky A, Gorby Y & Beveridge T

(2003) Immobilization of Metals at the Cell Wall of Subsurface Bacteria during Anaerobic Respiration
Glasauer S, Lloyd J, Renshaw J, Gehring A & Beveridge T

(2002) Controls on Fe Reduction and Mineral Formation by a Subsurface Bacterium
Glasauer SM, Langley S & Beveridge TJ

(2001) Precipitation of an Intracellular Fe Mineral during Reduction of Ferrihydrite by Shewanella putrefaciens CN32
Glasauer S, Langley S & Beveridge TJ

(2001) Adsorption of Soluble Silicon Compounds by Pseudomonas aeruginosa
Matichenkov VV, Korenevsky AA & Beveridge TJ

(2001) Physiological Responses and Environmental Implications of Fe(II)-induced Inhibition of Microbial Iron Reduction
Gorby YA, Liu C, Beveridge TJ, Ferris FG & Zachara JM

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