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All abstracts by Paul T. Behum in conference series: Goldschmidt

(2016) Remediation of Aqueous Wastes from Hydrothermally-Altered Coal Mining
Lefticariu L, Behum PT & Bender KS

(2014) Geochemistry of Coal Refuse Disposal Alternatives: Results of Kinetic Testing
Behum P, Chugh Y & Lefticariu L

(2014) Chemistry and Mineralogy of Fe-Rich Precipitates from an AMD-Treatment System
Lefticariu L, Walters E, Behum P & Giesting P

(2012) Remediation of Coal-Mine Drainage by Sulfate-Reducing Bioreactor
Lefticariu L, Behum P, Pugh C & Bender K

(2010) Results of Simulated Weathering of Coal Stockpiles and Coal Refuse Disposal Areas
Behum PT, Lefticariu L & Chugh YP

(2010) Geochemical and Microbial Evaluation of the Tab Simco Treatment System
Segid YT, Behum PT, Bender KS, Pugh CC, Burns AS & Lefticariu L

(2009) Geochemical Evaluation of Coal Processing Facility Drainage: Preliminary Results of Kinetic Testing
Lefticariu L, Behum PT & Chugh YP

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