All abstracts by K Aldushin in conference series: Goldschmidt
(2006) In-situ AFM study of cation-exchange reactions in phlogopiteAldushin K, Jordan G, Aldushina E & Schmahl WW
(2005) Kinematics of Interlayer Reactions
Jordan G, Aldushin K & Schmahl WW
(2005) In situ AFM Study of Vermiculite and Hydrobiotite Interface Reactions
Aldushin K, Jordan G & Schmahl WW
(2005) Dissolution-Precipitation Creep Under Cyclic Stress
Jordan G, Aldushin K, Lohkämper T & Schmahl WW
(2004) Alteration of Phyllosilicates Studied in situ by Hydrothermal AFM
Aldushin K, Jordan G, Schmahl W & Rammensee W