All abstracts by R Arthur in conference series: Goldschmidt
(2005) Unlikelihood of Localized Corrosion of Nuclear Waste Packages Caused by Deliquescent BrinesLangmuir D, Apted M, King F, Arthur R & Kessler J
(2003) The Tono Natural Analogue Project: Geochemical Constraints on Uranium Mobility within the Tono Uranium Deposit, Japan
Arthur R, Iwatsuki T, Murakami Y, Metcalfe R, Sasao E & MacKenzie A
(2003) The Tono Natural Analogue Project: An Overview
Sasao E, Ota K, Iwatsuki T, Arthur R, Stenhouse M & Zhou W
(2003) The Tono Natural Analogue Project: A System Model for the Origin and Evolution of the Tono Uranium Deposit, Japan
Metcalfe R, Takase H, Sasao E, Ota K, Iwatsuki T & Arthur R