All abstracts by Paul Baudron in conference series: Goldschmidt
(2024) Pesticide Distribution and Evolution in Prek System in Koh Thum, Kandal ProvinceEang KE, Massuel S, Keo S, Doung R, Hanja JV, Yeurn S, Phat C, Baudron P & Lenczewski M
(2021) Timing of Flood-Water Inputs to a Lake Revealed by Transient Stable Isotope Mass Balance Modelling
Masse-Dufresne J, Barbecot F, Baudron P & Gibson J
(2018) Recovery Dynamics of Surface Water/Groundwater Interactions Following an Intense Flooding Event at a 2-Lake Bank Filtration Site
Masse-Dufresne J, Baudron P, Barbecot F, Marcotte D, Proteau-Bédard F, Patenaude M, Pontoreau C & Delestre M
(2018) Seasonal Variation in Chemical Exchanges between a River and a Meander Floodplain
Biehler A, Tremblay C, Baudron P, Buffin-Bélanger T & Chaillou G
(2011) Ecological Impact of Submarine Groundwater Discharge in a Mediterranean Lagoon: Correlations between Radon, Radium and Nitrate in the Mar Menor, Murcia, Spain
Claude C, Baudron P, Mayer A, Gilabert J, Martinez-Vincente D, Radakovitch O, Leduc C, Garcia-Arostegui J-L & Cabezas-Calvo-Rubio F