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All abstracts by Anne Battani in conference series: Goldschmidt

(2024) Lithospheric Delamination in Northern Apennines as Revealed by Modelling of He, CO2 Isotopes and Heat Flow Data
Izerumugaba JDLP, Mouthereau F & Battani A

(2024) Noble Gas Signatures Under Transient Fluid Equilibrium: Correlation with N2, CO2, and CH4 in Aquifers and Reservoirs
Diniz S, Scott JA, Battani A & Pujol M

(2024) Short Scale Heterogeneity of the Sub-Arc Mantle beneath the Christina-Santorini-Kolumbo Volcanic Field (Greece)
Bernard A, Battani A, Stuart F, Pujol M, Callot J-P & Druitt T

(2023) Noble Gas Signatures of Fluids at Santorini and Milos (Greece)
Bernard A, Battani A, Callot J-P, Balci U, Gyore D & Stuart F

(2022) Natural Hydrogen Occurrence in Bougou-1 Well (Mali): Geological Accumulation or Ongoing Generation, Insights from Stable Isotopes and Noble Gas Tracing
Pujol M & Battani A

(2020) Geochemistry of Gas Seeps from Haiti: Evidence of Plate Boundary Faults and Underthrusting of Oceanic Crust
Battani A, Mercier de Lepinay B, Stuart F, Burnard P, Pujol M & Momplaisir R

(2017) Fluid Circulation Through Active Faults in a Transpressive Setting – Haiti
Wessels R, Ellouz-Zimmermann N, Bellahsen N, Battani A, Rosenberg C, Leroy S & Momplaiser R

(2011) U/Pb Dating of Geodic Calcites: A Tool for Paleohydrological Reconstructions
Pisapia C, Deschamps P, Hamelin B, Battani A, Buschaert S & David J

(2011) Geophysical and Geochemical Data Used to Infer Origin and Evolution of Natural CO2 in Italy
Battani A, Brosse E & Loiselet C

(2008) Geochemical Monitoring of an Industrial Analogue of CO2 Storage
Jeandel E, Sarda P & Battani A

(2007) Geochemical Monitoring of CO2 Storage: Natural Analogues Studies Using Isotopic Composition of Gases and Travertines
Jeandel E, Battani A, Sarda P & Tocqué E

(2000) Gas Geochemistry of Mud Volcanoes from Trinidad: Surface Evidence of Deep Gas Reservoirs, Modified by Vertical Migration
Deville E, Prinzhofer A, Battani A, Herbin JP, Ballentine C & Houzay JP

(2000) The 20Ne/36Ar Ratio as a Tracer for Ancient Oil: The Oil-Water and Gas-Water Double Distillation Model
Sarda P, Battani A & Prinzhofer A

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