All abstracts by Gideon Bartov in conference series: Goldschmidt
(2013) Pb-Zn-Cd-Hg Multi Isotopic Characterization of the Loire River Basin, FranceDesaulty A-M, Millot R, Widory D, Guerrot C, Innocent C, Bourrain X, Bartov G & Johnson TM
(2012) Transformations of Mercury, Arsenic and Selenium in River Sediments Contaminated with Coal Ash: Field and Laboratory Studies
Schwartz G, Deonarine A, Ruhl L, Vengosh A, Bartov G, Johnson T & Hsu-Kim H
(2012) Mercury Stable Isotopes in Fish Tissue as Indicators of Photochemical Transformations
Bartov G & Johnson T
(2010) Mercury Stable Isotope Tracing of Multiple Mercury Sources in the Tennessee River System
Bartov G, Johnson T, Ruhl L, Vengosh A & Southworth G