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All abstracts by Mustafa Yucel in conference series: Goldschmidt

(2023) The Black Sea Young Ambassadors Program: Lessons Learned in Supporting Ocean Literacy and Communicating Marine Geoscience
Sahin Yucel E, Yucel M, Uygurer P, Sayilkan ÖE & Salihoglu B

(2023) Towards Multi-Element Characterization of Marine Metal Nanoparticles: First Results from the Suboxic Zone of the Black Sea
Yucel M, Alimli N, Borovinskaya O, Demir NYN, Cura H, Gülmez ZA, Tanner M & Djurdjevic S

(2023) Benthic Iron Redox Mobilization Via Iron Reductive Respiration in Low Oxygen Seas: The Case of The Sea of Marmara
Alimli N & Yucel M

(2023) Western Black Sea Suboxic Layer Biogeochemical Structure during the December 2022 R/V Bilim Expedition
Yucel M, Örek H, Alimli N, Cura H, Demir NYN, Myroshnychenko V, Fach B, Arkin S, Tuğrul S & Salihoglu B

(2023) Ironborn: Fe Distribution in Geothermal Fluids and its Influence on the Biosphere
Barosa B, Tonietti L, Bastianoni A, Selci M, Cascone M, Oliva F, Bastoni D, Montemagno F, Ricciardelli A, Corso D, Correggia M, Di Iorio L, Barry PH, Bekaert DV, Halldorsson SA, Stefánsson A, Lloyd KG, Jessen G, Chiodi AL, de Moor M, Ramírez-Umaña C, Yucel M, Schrenk M, Rotundi A, Cordone A & Giovannelli D

(2023) Phosphorus Build-Up, Nitrogen Loss and Sulfide Accumulation in Response to Recent Deep-Water Deoxygenation in the Sea of Marmara
Yucel M, Örek H, Alimli N, Akcay İ, Mantikci M, Özhan K, Fach B, Tezcan D, Ak Örek Y, Kalkan Tezcan E, Arkin S, Tuğrul S & Salihoglu B

(2023) Organic Carbon Distributions and Carbon Burial in a Modern Proterozoic Ocean Analogue: The Sea of Marmara
Yucel M, Alimli N, Gülmez ZA, Cura H & Demir NYN

(2021) Comparison of Porewater Diffusive Nutrient Fluxes with External Inputs in the Northeastern Mediterranean Sea
Akcay I, Tuğrul S & Yucel M

(2020) Formation of Reactive Oxygen Species and (Iron)silicate (Nano)particles in the Mixing Zone Above Hydrothermal Vent Orifices
Luther G, Shaw T, Estes E, Berti D, Hochella M, Yucel M, Findlay A, Ferry J, Rosas R, Coffey N, Oldham V & Dias D

(2019) Deoxygenation and Coastal Eutrophication Drive Distinct Benthic Nutrient Dynamics in the Hypoxic Marmara Sea and Oxic Northeastern Mediterranean Sea
Akcay I & Yücel M

(2019) Distinct Chemical Microenvironments Drive Two Different Macrofaunal Habitat Types in the East Pacific Rise, 9°50 N Hydrothermal Ecosystems
Yücel M, Guimond J, Chace P, Estes E, Cagri Yapan B, Cao X & Luther G

(2019) Dissolved, Colloidal and Particulate Iron in Hydrothermal Vent Fluids and Rising Plumes from Broken Spur and Rainbow, Mid-Atlantic Ridge
Yücel M, Sevgen S & Le Bris N

(2019) Outreach and Communication in Marine Geosciences: The Integrated Strategy of METU Institute of Marine Sciences to Engage Communities in Turkey and Europe
Sahin E, Yücel M, Kideys A, Ak-Orek Y, Zenginer A, Kideys A & Salihoglu B

(2018) Nanoparticulate Reverse Weathering Products in Focused and Diffuse Hydrothermal Flow
Estes E, Berti D, Findlay A, Gartman A, Hochella M, Yucel M & Luther G

(2017) Modelling of Advective Transport and Biogeochemistry at a Shallow Hydrothermal Vent System
Bartlett S, Giovannelli D & Yucel M

(2017) Reactive Iron in the Seafloor of Cilician Basin, Eastern Mediterranean
Ermis E, Orek H, Tezcan D & Yucel M

(2017) Intermediate Sulfur Products along Natural Marine Redox Gradients: New Insights from a Holistic Analysis of Microelectrode Cyclic Voltammograms
Yucel M

(2016) Physical Control of the Spatial and Temporal Diversity of Microbial Mats at a Shallow-Water Hydrothermal Vent
Giovannelli D, Foustoukos D, LeBris N, Sievert S, Yucel M, D'Alessandro V, Ricci R & Vetriani C

(2016) Redox Processes in Suboxic Worlds: The Highly Different Benthic Geochemistry of Fe-S-Mn Across the Chemoclines of Baltic and Black Sea
Yucel M, Sommer S, Dale A, Slomp C & Arkin S

(2012) Hydrothermal Vents as a Source of Pyrite and Trace Metal- Containing Mineral Nanoparticles to the Oceans
Gartman A, Yucel M & Luther G

(2012) Transformation of Marine Wood-Falls into Anoxic-Sulfidic Environments: Voltammetric Time Series and Kinetic Modeling
Yucel M, Contreira L, Galand P, Fagervold S & Le Bris N

(2009) Post-Eruption Sulfide and Iron Content of Hydrothermal Vent Fluids from East Pacific Rise, 9°50’ N
Yucel M, Mullaugh K & Luther G

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