All abstracts by Lily Young in conference series: Goldschmidt
(2012) Phosphate Reaction with PbS Stimulates Microbial S OxidationWalczak A, Yee N & Young L
(2012) Arsenic Mobility Is Mediated by Bacterial Reduction in New Jersey Shallow Groundwater
Mumford A, Barringer J, Reilly P & Young L
(2010) Potential Role for Bacteria in Arsenic Release to Groundwater
Mumford A, Barringer J, Reilly P & Young L
(2010) Aromatic Carboxylic Acids are Anaerobically Transformed in Guaymas Basin Sediments
Porter A, Vetriani C & Young L
(2010) Bosea sp. WAO Oxidizes Metal Sulfides at Neutral pH
Walczak A, Yee N & Young L
(2009) Evidence for Anaerobic Biodegradation of Hydrocarbons in the Subsurface Environment
Oka A, Phelps C, Zhu XS, Saber D & Young L