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All abstracts by Masahiro Yamamoto in conference series: Goldschmidt

(2016) Proton Motive Force for the Electrochemical CO2 Fixation Toward the Origin of Life in Deep Sea Hydrothermal Vent
Yamaguchi A, Yamamoto M, Takai K, Ishii T, Hashimoto K & Nakamura R

(2015) Reproduction of Primitive Metabolic Pathways on the Iron Sulfide Surface with Electricity
Yamamoto M, Nakamura R, Tanizaki A, Takai K & Toriumi M

(2013) In situ Observation of Electrical Current Generation in Deep-Sea Hydrothemal Environments
Nakamura R, Yamamoto M, Oguri K, Kawagucci S, Suzuki K, Hashimoto K & Takai K

(2011) Electron Transport Across a Black Smoker Chimney
Nakamura R, Takashima T, Kato S, Takai K, Yamamoto M & Hashimoto K

(2010) Evolution of Energy Metabolism Using Sulfur Compounds as Electron Carriers
Yamamoto M, Hasegawa H & Takai K

(2010) Novel Sulfur Disproportionation of a Deep-Sea Vent Thermophile
Hasegawa H, Yamamoto M, Nunoura T, Kawagucci S, Ueno Y & Takai K

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