All abstracts by Patricia L Yager in conference series: Goldschmidt
(2014) Fe Availability and and Bioactive Metal Dynamics in Antarctic Shelf Systems: Amundsen Sea Polynya vs. Western Antarctic PeninsulaSherrell R, Lagerström M, Séguret M, Harazin K, Forsch K, Schofield O, Stammerjohn S, Yager P & Meredith M
(2012) Natural Fe Fertilization Mechanisms in the Amundsen Sea Polynya, Antarctica
Sherrell R, Severmann S, Lagerstrom M, Esswein K, Ndungu K, Andersson P, Stammerjohn S & Yager P
(2011) Oxygen Triple-Isotope Evidence for Enhancement of CO<sub>2</sub> Sequestration Efficiency by Diatom-Diazotroph Assemblages in a Giant River Plume
Yeung LY, Berelson WM, Young ED, Prokopenko MG, Carpenter EJ & Yager PL