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All abstracts by Yuanyuan Xiao in conference series: Goldschmidt

(2024) Magnesium Isotope Variation in the Subduction Channel
Xiao Y & Yao Y

(2024) Active Silicate Alterations and its Role in Major Cation Sinks in Volcanic Ash-Rich Hikurangi Margin Sediments
Cui Q, Luo M, Hong W-L, Huang T-H, Xiao Y & Sun X

(2024) Positive Correlations of Heavy Fe-Zn-Mo Isotopes with Incompatible Element Abundances and Sr-Nd-Hf Radiogenic Isotope Enrichments in MORB Melts
Niu Y, Sun P, Guo P, Chen S, Chen Y, Duan M, Gong H, Wang X, Xiao Y, Chen T & Gao Q

(2024) Atypical Seasonality of the Silicon Cycle in the Yellow River Estuary and Bohai Sea Revealed by Stable Silicon Isotopes
Cui Q, Liu X, Wang Z, Sun W, Xiao Y & Sun X

(2023) The Varying Contribution of the Subducted Slab on the Heterogeneous Mantle Source for Boninite, Evidence from Iron Isotope Variations
Xiao Y, Yao Y, Huang Z & Li Y

(2022) MORB Fe Isotope Variation as a Consequence of Mantle Source Heterogeneity and Crustal Level Magma Differentiation
Niu Y, Chen S, Sun P, Chen Y, Guo P, Duan M, Gong H, Wang X, Xue S & Xiao Y

(2019) Mineral Chemistry of Syn-Collisional Granitoids and the Implications for Juvenile Crust Formation and Adakitic Magmatism
Xiao Y, Chen S & Niu Y

(2016) The Effects of High-Pressure Metasomatic Fluids on Blueschist-Facies Overprints of Eclogites from the Subduction Channel
Xiao Y, Niu Y, Lin J & Xu Y

(2014) The Finding of a Titanite-Rich Zone in Omphacite Epidosite and its Geochemical Implication for Subduction-Zone Metamorphism
Xiao Y, Niu Y, Zhang H, Wang K-L, Iizuka Y, Lin J & Xu Y

(2011) Trace Element Redistribution in Oceanic Crust during Subduction-Zone Metamorphism – Evidence from Western Tianshan, China
Xiao Y, Niu Y, Li H, Wang H, Davidson J & Liu X

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