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All abstracts by Tamar Barkay in conference series: Goldschmidt

(2016) Anaerobic Mercury Methylation and Demethylation by Geobacter Bemidjiensis Bem
Lu X, Liu Y, Johs A, Zhao L, Wang T, Elias D, Pierce E, Liang L, Barkay T & Gu B

(2014) Interactions of Inorganic Mercury with Microbial Mats Formed in an Acidic Hot Spring
Barkay T & Geesey G

(2012) Microbial Production of Methylmercury from Hg(0)
Colombo M, Ha J, Reinfelder J, Barkay T & Yee N

(2012) Role of Syntrophy in the Microbial Reduction of Crystalline Iron Oxides
Parikh M, Barkay T & Yee N

(2011) Microbial Uptake and Methylation of Dissolved Elemental Mercury
Colombo M, Barkay T, Reinfelder J & Yee N

(2011) Iron Reduction by a Clostridia Consortium
Parikh M, Lin C-C, Barkay T & Yee N

(2010) Reduction of Hg(II) to Hg(0) by Biogenic Magnetite
Yee N, Parikh M, Lin C-C, Kukkadapu R & Barkay T

(2010) Novel Iron-Reducing Bacterium Isolated from Oak Ridge TN
Parikh M, Lin C-C, Wang Y, Dohnalkova A, Kukkadapu R, Bowden M, Barkay T & Yee N

(2010) Reduction of Hg(II) to Hg(0) by Nitrate Enrichment Cultures Derived from Subsurface Sediments
Lin C-C, Wang Y, Wiatrowski H, Yee N & Barkay T

(2009) Reduction of Hg(II) to Hg(0) by Magnetite
Wiatrowski H, Das S, Kukkadapu R, Ilton E, Barkay T & Yee N

(2009) Microbial Mercury Resistance in Geothermal Springs
Barkay T, Wang Y & Crane S

(2008) Mass Dependent Isotope Fractionation of Hg during Biotic Degradation of Methyl-Hg & Reduction of Hg(II)
Kritee K, Blum J & Barkay T

(2005) Biological Mercury(Hg) Isotope Fractionation
Kritee K, Klaue B, Blum J & Barkay T

(2005) Microbial Transformations in the Mercury Geochemical Cycle
Barkay T, Schaefer J, Poulain A & Amyot M

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