All abstracts by Eugeni Barkan in conference series: Goldschmidt
(2019) What Triple Isotopes of Dissolved O2 Tell us About Deep Water Formation in the Arctic OceanLuz B, Barkan E, Bauch D & Smethie W
(2019) Carbonate 17Oexcess as a Paleo-Hydrology Proxy
Affek HP, Barkan E, Bergel SJ, Vieten R, Voarintsoa NRG & Zaarur S
(2019) Experimental Calibration of the Triple Oxygen Isotope Fractionation between CaCO3 and H2O
Voarintsoa NRG, Barkan E, Bergel S, Vieten R & Affek HP
(2012) Combination of Water Isotopes to Improve Temperature Reconstruction
Landais A, Winkler R, Barkan E, Dapoigny A, Eykakin A, Falourd S, Fourre E, Jean-Baptiste P, Luz B, Minster B, Petit J-R, Prie F & Risi C
(2011) 17O Anomaly of Dissolved O2 in the Deep Atlantic Ocean
Luz B, Barkan E, Henderson G & Smethie W
(2009) The Effect of Marine Photosynthesis on 17O/16O and 18O/16O of Atmospheric O2
Barkan E, Eisenstadt D, Kaplan A & Luz B
(2007) Excess 17O – A New Tracer in Hydrology
Luz B & Barkan E
(2002) Tracing Mixing in the Upper Ocean with the Three Oxygen Isotopes
Luz B & Barkan E