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All abstracts by Kathleen Welch in conference series: Goldschmidt

(2018) Geochemistry of Aeolian Material from the McMurdo Dry Valleys, Antarctica: Insights into Dust Sources
Diaz M, Welch S, Sheets J, Welch K, Adams B, Khan A, McKnight D, Cary SC & Lyons WB

(2010) Boron Isotopic Geochemistry of the McMurdo Dry Valleys, Antarctica
Leslie D, Warner N, Vengosh A, Olesik J, Welch K & Lyons WB

(2007) Trace Metal Dynamics and Transport in a Polar Glacier-Dominated Watershed: Taylor Valley, Antarctica
Fortner S, Lyons WB, Witherow R, Welch K & Olesik J

(2006) Geomicrobiology of an Antarctic subglacial brine: a plausible Martian ecosystem
Mikucki J, Priscu J, Lyons WB, Welch K, Tranter M & Pearson A

(2005) Dating Water and Solute Additions in Ice-Covered Antarctic Lakes
Lyons WB, Dowling C, Welch KA, Synder G, Poreda RJ, Doran PT & Fountain A

(2005) Mercury Geochemistry of the Scioto River, Ohio: Impact of Agriculture and Urbanization
Lyons WB, Fitzgibbon TO, Welch KA & Carey AE

(2003) Stable Nitrogen Isotopic Chemistry of Nitrate in GISP II Ice
Lyons W, Wagenbach D, Stanzick A, Haberhauser G & Welch K

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