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All abstracts by Jacob Waldbauer in conference series: Goldschmidt

(2023) Multi-Omics Insights on Disproportionate Carbon Dioxide Efflux due to Unshared Metabolic Paths of Assimilated Organic Carbons in Soil Bacteria
Mendonca CM, Waldbauer J & Aristilde L

(2018) Isotopic Tracking of Viral Protein Synthesis: New Insights into Nutrient Biogeochemistry
Waldbauer J, Campbell K, Rizzo A, Lotus J & Coleman M

(2018) Protein-Level Proteorhodopsin Expression Patterns in Aquatic Microbes
Gallagher G & Waldbauer J

(2017) Quantitative Metaproteomics of Microbial Communities
Waldbauer J, Rizzo A, Zhang L & Coleman M

(2016) Relating Geochemical Signatures to the Metabolic State of Cells
Bradley A, Leavitt W & Waldbauer J

(2007) Late Archean Molecular Fossils from Scientific Drill Cores Record the Antiquity of Microbial Diversity
Waldbauer J, Sherman L, Sumner D & Summons R

(2006) Exchange of C Between Mantle and Crust and Its Effect on Global Redox Budgets
Hayes J & Waldbauer J

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