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All abstracts by Pieter Z. Vroon in conference series: Goldschmidt

(2020) Temperal Evolution of the St Eustatius Volcanic Field, Lesser Antilles
Vroon P, Zadelhoff H, Strootman R, Kuiper K, Wijbrans J & van der Meulen M

(2020) MELTS Modelling of Prehistoric Mount Etna, Valle del Bove
Kempton PD, Downes H, Spence A, Blichert-Toft J, Bryce J, Hegner E & Vroon PZ

(2020) Equilibration Time of Fe and Zn Concentrations and Isotopes in High-Pressure-Temperature Metal-Silicate Partitioning Experiments
Seegers AX, Stelwagen RG, van Zuilen K, van Westrenen W & Vroon PZ

(2015) A Distinct Source and Differentiation History for Kolumbo Submarine Volcano, Santorini, Aegean Arc
Klaver M, Nomikou P, Carey S, Godelitsas A, Smet I & Vroon P

(2015) Si Isotope Fractionation during Silica Precipitation from Hot Spring Waters, Geysir Geothermal Field, Iceland
Geilert S, Vroon PZ, Keller NS, Stefánsson A, Gudbrandsson S & van Bergen MJ

(2015) Geochemistry of a Palaeoarchean Shallow Shelf Environment: Unravelling Sediment Provenance, Alteration History and Redox Tracers
Mason P, Galic A, Vroon P, Strauss H, Montinaro A, Heubeck C & Drabon N

(2015) 3.2Ga Pyrite Multi-Isotope Signatures Record a Range of Redox Processes (Formation Mechanisms) and a Heterogenous Elemental Sulfur Source
Galic A, Mason P, Wolthers M, Whitehouse M & Vroon P

(2014) Iron Isotope Compositions of Oceanic Arc Lavas
Nebel O, Sossi P, Whan T, Bènard A, Wille M, Vroon P & Arculus R

(2014) Iron and Sulfur Cycling in an Early Archean Basin: Coupling of Bulk Rock and Pyrite Isotope Data
Galić A, Stausberg N, Mason PRD, Vroon PZ, Whitehouse MJ, Strauss H & Montinaro A

(2014) Molybdenum Isotopic Compositions of Subducting Sediment and Associated Arc Lavas, Banda Arc, Eastern Indonesia
Wille M, Nebel O, Vroon P & Schoenberg R

(2013) Silicon Isotope Variation in the Buck Reef Chert (Barberton Greenstone Belt) Records Early Archean Basin Evolution
Geilert S, Van Bergen M & Vroon P

(2013) Spational and Temporal Variation in Provenance of Eastern Mediterranean Sediment: Implications for Aegean Volcanism
Klaver M, Djuly T & Vroon P

(2013) The Effect of AFC Processes and Source Oxidation on Fe Isotopes in Evolved Banda Arc Lavas
Nebel O, Arculus R, Wille M & Vroon P

(2012) Si Isotope Fractionation during Silica Precipitation in Batch-Reactor Experiments
Roerdink D, van den Boorn S, van Bergen M & Vroon P

(2012) Si Isotope Fractionation during Silica Precipitation in Flow-Through Experiments
Geilert S, Van Bergen M, Vroon P & Van Cappellen P

(2012) Extreme Microbial Sulphur Isotpe Fractionation in a Mars Analogue Environment at Rio Tinto, SW Spain
Velasco E, Mason P, Vroon P, Roling W, Amils R & Davies G

(2012) In situ Silicon Isotope Analysis of Archean Cherts and BIFs by Laser Ablation MC-ICPMS
Vroon P, Tsikos H, van der Wagt B, van Bergen M, Eggins S & Kinsley L

(2011) Si-Isotope Fractionation during Silica Precipitation: An Experimental Approach
Geilert S, Van Bergen MJ & Vroon PZ

(2011) Microbial Sulphur Isotope Fractionation in a Mars Analogue Environment at Rio Tinto, SW Spain
Velasco E, Mason P, Vroon P, Roling W, Amils R & Davies G

(2011) Si Isotope Fractionation in High-Temperature Metal-Silicate Systems: Implications for Core Formation
Kempl J, Vroon PZ, Westrenen WV, Small J & Jak HG

(2009) Lu-Hf Isotope Inheritance from Subducting Detrital Zircons during Crustal Formation
Nebel O, Vroon PZ & Davies GR

(2008) Zircon Recycling in Felsic Magmas
Miller JS, Miller CF, Matzel J, Claiborne L, Wooden J, Poli G, Nebel O, Vroon P, Davies G & Leslie S

(2008) Is Assimilation of Sedimentary Basement Responsible for the Temporal Geochemical Variations of Etna Magmas?
Vroon P, Wijbrans J, Groen M, de Groot K, de Zwaan C & van der Wagt B

(2008) In situ Silicon Isotope Analysis of Cherts by Laser Ablation MC-ICPMS
van der Wagt B, Vroon P, van den Boorn S & van Bergen M

(2007) Unravelling the Sources of Silica in early-Archaean Cherts with Silicon Isotopes
van den Boorn S, van Bergen M, Vroon P & Nijman W

(2007) The Impact of Subducting Sediment on the HFSE Budget of Arc-Related Igneous Rocks, Banda Arc, Indonesia
Nebel O, Morel M, Vroon P, Davies G & van Bergen M

(2006) An inter-laboratory calibration of Si isotope reference materials
Reynolds BC, Aggarwal J, Brzezinski MA, Cardinal D, Engström E, Georg RB, Land M, Leng M, Opfergelt S & Vroon PZ

(2004) Sr Isotope Analysis by Multiple Ion Counting – ICPMS (MIC-ICPMS)
Bouman C, Vroon P, van der Wagt B, Wieser M & Schwieters J

(2004) Species Dependent Fractionation of Silicon Isotopes by Present-Day Demosponges
Vroon P, Beets C, Soenarjo D, Soest R, Troelstra S, Schwieters J, Van belle J & Wagt B

(2002) Sr-Nd-Pb Isotope Constraints on Magma Genesis in the Sangihe Arc, North Indonesia
van der Meer JPM, van Bergen MJ, Vroon PZ & Davies GR

(2002) Silicon Isotopic Composition of Sponge Spicules Determined by MC-ICPMS
Vroon P, Beets CJ, Soest RWM, Schwieters J, Troelstra SR & Belle JCV

(2002) Determination of Lithium Isotope Compositions by MC-ICPMS (Thermo Finnigan MAT Neptune)
Bouman C, Vroon PZ, Elliott TR, Schwieters JB & Hamester M

(2000) Li Isotope Evolution of the Mantle from Analyses of Mantle Xenoliths
Bouman C, Elliott TR, Vroon PZ & Pearson DG

(2000) Geochemical Evidence for Two Subducting Plates beneath North Sulawesi (Indonesia)
Vroon PZ & Van Bergen MJ

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