All abstracts by Brett Baker in conference series: Goldschmidt
(2017) Correlated Cryogenic STXM and Microprobe Study of Biofilms from a Sulfide Contaminated Groundwater SpringFakra SC, Probst A, Baker B & Banfield JF
(2017) Novel Hydrocarbon Utilization Pathways Uncultured Sediment Microbes
Baker B, Dombrowski N, Seitz K, Rambo I & Teske A
(2013) Insights into Potential Metabolisms of the Cosmopolitan Miscellaneous Crenarchaeotal Group (MCG) from Estuarine Sediments Using Metagenomics
Lazar C, Baker B, Dick G, Hinrichs K-U & Teske A
(2009) Community-Wide Analysis of Microbial Genome Signatures
Dick G, Andersson A, Baker B, Simmons S, Thomas B, Yelton AP & Banfield J
(2001) A Community Genomic Approach to Study of Acid Mine Drainage Biogeochemistry
Banfield JF, Baker B & Hugenholtz P