All abstracts by Shi Hong Tian in conference series: Goldschmidt
(2014) Enriched Mantle Source and Petrogenesis of the Himalayan Collision Zone Carbonatites in Western Sichuan, SW China: Lithium Isotopic ConstraintsTian S, Hou Z, Mo X, Su A, Zhao Y, Hou K & Yang Z
(2014) Fluid Origin of Jilong Vein Type Cu Deposit in Tibetan Plateau
Liu Y, Hou Z, Yang Z & Tian S
(2013) Fluid Electrolytes of Mohailaheng Pb-Zn Deposit in Tibetan Plateau
Liu Y, Hou Z, Yang Z & Tian S
(2013) Enriched Mantle Source and Petrogenesis of the Miocene Ultrapotassic Rocks in Western Lhasa Block, Tibetan Plateau: Lithium Isotopic Constraints
Tian S, Hu W, Hou Z, Mo X, Yang Z, Zhao Y, Hou K, Zhu D & Zhang Z
(2011) Rb-Sr and Sm-Nd Isochron Ages of the Dongmozhazhua and Mohailaheng Pb-Zn Ore Deposits in Yushu Area, Southern Qinghai and their Geological Implications
Tian S, Hou Z, Yang Z, Liu Y & Song Y
(2011) Geology and Fluid Origin of Mohailaheng Pb-Zn Deposit in Tibet
Liu YC, Hou ZQ, Yang ZS & Tian SH
(2011) Silicon Isotope Composition of Chert in Carbonate Rocks, as an Indicator of Paleo-Environmental Variation in Ocean
Ding T, Gao J & Tian S
(2010) The Lithium Isotope Composition of Maoniuping Complex, Sichuan
Tian S, Su A, Hou Z, Li Z & Yang Z
(2010) The Lithium Isotope Composition of Lizhuang Complex, Sichuan
Su A, Tian S, Hou Z, Li Z & Yang Z
(2010) The Lithium Isotopic Characteristics of Jiajika Rare Metal Deposit in Sichuan, China
Li Z, Tian S, Hou Z, Su A, Li J & Yang Z
(2010) Geology and C, H and O Isotopic Geochemistry of Dongmozhazhua Pb-Zn Ore Deposit, Qinghai, China
Liu Y, Hou Z, Yang Z & Tian S
(2010) U-Pb Age and Hf Isotope of Zircon from Granite in Jiaduopule Fe-Cu Deposit, Tibet
Yang Z, Hou Z, Tian S, Meng X & Yu Y
(2008) Geochemistry of Silicon and Oxygen in the Regolith on Feihong Ultramafic Complex, West Yunnan, China
Yang Z, Liu Y & Tian S
(2008) Silicon Isotope Composition of Diatoms as a Paleoenvironmental Proxy in Lake Huguangyan, South China
Chen J, Li J, Tian S & Wan G
(2008) The Distribution of Adakite-Like Rocks in South Anhui Province, China
Liu Y, Yang Z, Hou Z & Tian S
(2008) Silicon Isotope Variation of Chert Beds from Later Archean to Proterozoic as a Tracer of Paleo-Environmental Variation in Ocean
Ding T, Wan D & Tian S
(2008) Ages of Carbonatite and Syenite from the Mianning-Dechang REE Belt in the Eastern Indo-Asian Collision Zone, SW China and their Geological Significance
Tian S, Hou Z, Ding T, Yang Z, Yang Z, Yuan Z, Xie Y, Liu Y & Li Z
(2007) Silicon Isotope Compositions of the Underground Water, Limestone and Soil from Karst Caves in Guilin City, Guangxi, China
Ding T, Tian S & Gao J
(2007) Geochemical Characteristics of the Mashan Au-S Deposit in Tongling, Anhui Province
Tian S, Hou Z, Yang Z, Ding T, Meng Y, Zeng P, Wang Y & Wang X