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All abstracts by Hajimu Tamura in conference series: Goldschmidt

(2016) High Precision Noble Gas Isotope Measurement by NGX Multi-Collector Noble Gas Mass Spectrometer
Tamura H, Saito-Kokubu Y & Umeda K

(2010) Potential of Single Grain Laser Fusion K-Ar Dating: A Trial
Sato K, Kumagai H, Tamura H, Kawabata H & Suzuki K

(2007) A K-Ar Age Reset of Frictionally Melted Gabbro and Detect for Degassed Noble Gas
Sato K, Hirose T, Kumagai H, Tamura H, Mizoguchi K & Shimamoto T

(2006) Fine step release of helium, argon, and carbon dioxide from a MORB glass by vacuum crushing and the potential of relocatable noble gas mass spectrometer for preliminary analysis for noble gas research
Tamura H, Kumagai H & Sato K

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