All abstracts by Joe Small in conference series: Goldschmidt
(2023) Anaerobic Biodegradation of Citric Acid in the Presence of Cement Pellets: Impact on Cement IntegrityByrd N, Morris K, Singh A, Small J, Taylor F, Boothman C, Engelberg D, Lowe T, Mahmood S & Lloyd JR
(2021) Anaerobic Biodegradation and Biotransformation of Ni-Citrate Complexes at Alkaline pH
Byrd N, Lloyd JR, Small J, Taylor F, Bagshaw H, Hughes L & Morris K
(2020) The Biogeochemical Fate of Organic Decontamination Agents in Low Level Radioactive Waste Disposal
Byrd N, Lloyd J, Small J, Taylor F, Bagshaw H, Boothman C & Morris K
(2017) Plasticised PVC Fuels Nitrate Reduction at High pH: Implications for Nuclear Waste Disposal
Nixon S, van Dongen B, Small J & Lloyd J
(2017) The Biogeochemistry of Gas Generation from Low-Level Nuclear Waste: Modelling After18 Years Study Under in situ Conditions
Small J, Nykyri M, Vikman M, Itävaara M & Paaso N
(2017) Microbial Degradation of Low-Level Radioactive Waste in Repository Conditions
Vikman M, Marjamaa K, Itävaara M, Nykyri M, Small J & Paaso N
(2012) Leak Fluid Chemistry Control on Sr-90 Sorption Mechanism in Sediments
Wallace S, Shaw S, Morris K, Small J & Burke I
(2011) Incorporation of 90Sr into Alkaline Altered Sediments
Wallace S, Shaw S, Morris K, Small J & Burke I