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All abstracts by Sang-Heon Shim in conference series: Goldschmidt

(2024) Wetting Property of Fe-Ni-N Alloy Melt in Ringwoodite: Implications for Nitrogen Depletion in the Bulk Silicate Earth
Tsuno K, Grewal DS, Xu V, Leinbach L, Leinenweber K, Wittmann A & Shim S-H

(2022) Hydrogen in the Deep Mantle
Shim S-H, Nisr C, Piet H, Chen H, Ko B, Kim T, Allen-Sutter H, Chariton S, Prakapenka V, Kunz M, Liu Z, Lee Y, Chizmeshya A, O'Rourke J, Chen B & Speziale S

(2020) Low Melting Temperature of Anhydrous Mantle Materials at the Core–Mantle Boundary
Kim T, Ko B, Greenberg E, Prakapenka V, Shim S-H & Lee Y

(2018) Hydrous Silica in the Lower Mantle
Shim S-H, Nisr C, Chen H, Leinenweber K, Chizmeshya A, Prakapenka V, Kunz M, Bechtel H, Liu Z &  

(2013) Spin Transition of Iron in Amorphous Mg-Silicates at Mantle-Related Pressures
Shim S-H, Gu C, Catalli K, Grocholski B, Gao L, Alp E, Chow P, Xiao Y, Cynn H & Evans W

(2011) Structure and Petrology of the Mantle beneath Hawaii Constrained by Seismic Discontinuity Imaging and Mineral Phase Relations
Shim S-H, Cao Q, van der Hilst R & de Hoop M

(2011) Nature of Mantle Heterogeneities
Shim S-H, van der Hilst R, Grocholski B, Catalli K, Cao Q & Shang X

(2010) Post-Perovskite Phase Transition in Compositions Related to Mantle Rocks
Grocholski B, Shim S-H & Prakapenka V

(2002) P-V-T Equation of State of MgSiO3 Perovskite and the Chemical Composition of the Lower Mantle
Shim S-H & Jeanloz R

(2001) Stability and Structure of Magnesium Silicate Perovskite to 2300-Km Depth in the Mantle
Shim S-H, Duffy TS & Shen G

(2001) Synchrotron X-Ray Diffraction in the Laser-Heated Diamond Cell: New Applications to Planetary Interiors
Duffy TS, Shim S-H, Kavner A, Shieh SR, Speziale S & Shen G

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