All abstracts by Bernard Sanjuan in conference series: Goldschmidt
(2021) Reserve and Resource Assessment of Li-Rich Geothermal Brines in EuropeMillot R, Gourcerol B, Sanjuan B, Jeandel E, Rettenmaier D & Lebouil S
(2020) Reserve and Resource Assessment of Li-Rich Geothermal Brines in Europe
Millot R, Gourcerol B, Sanjuan B, Jeandel E, Rettenmaier D & Lebouil S
(2017) Chemical and Isotopic Geothermometers Applied to Deep Geothermal Brines from the Upper Rhine Graben
Sanjuan B
(2016) Three New Auxiliary Chemical Geothermometers for Hot Brines from Geothermal Reservoirs
Sanjuan B, Millot R & Dezayes C
(2014) Bouillante and Soufrière Areas: (Guadeloupe, French West Indies): Two Hydrothermal Systems with Different Geochemical Signatures
Sanjuan B, Millot R & Brach M
(2012) Use of Two New Na/Li Thermometric Relationships for Geothermal Fluids in Volcanic Environments
Sanjuan B, Asmundsson R, Millot R & Brach M
(2009) Multi-Isotopic (H, O, C, S, Li, B, Si, Sr, Nd) Approach for Geothermal Fluid Characterization in Iceland
Millot R, Àsmundsson R, Négrel P, Sanjuan B & Bullen T
(2007) Lithium Isotopes in Geothermal Systems
Millot R, Négrel P & Sanjuan B